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Graduate Student Organization

Mission Statement

The Institute of Biosciences and Technology Graduate Student Organization (GSO) was established to improve the TAMU Health Medical Sciences Graduate Program pertaining to student needs and issues as well as promoting student unity and fellowship. By doing so, the GSO promotes better communication, develops the program, provides activities and services, and strengthens the graduate community. Additionally, the GSO is responsible for cooperatively interacting with faculty and administration to build a well-known and respected institution. 

IBT GSO Officers 2024-2025 


President: Ashley Suris

Vice President: Maryn Cavalier

Secretary: Nesha Rubin

Treasurer: Sokviseth Moeng

Social Chair: Isla Mata

Media Chair: Carolyn Nguyen

Community Outreach Officer: Hannah Reeves

B/CS Liaison: Guadalupe Calderon

GPSG Officer: Zihan Zhang

GIC Officer: Bettina Hoden

GPEC Officer: Uffaf Khan