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Admissions Houston Campus

There are six areas of research across the College of Medicine departments (Bryan/College Station) and the Institute of Biosciences and Technology  (Houston) that students can choose from to specialize in areas of expertise while expanding their knowledge and touching other interdisciplinary research groups. The College of Medicine is an academic unit of Texas A&M University (TAMU), and students in the Medical Sciences PhD program have access to all the resources, facilities, and courses of both the College of Medicine and the university.

The Medical Sciences PhD Program branch in Houston is located in the Texas Medical Center, the nation's fourth largest city and the largest medical center complex in the world. The PhD program is housed within the Institute of Biosciences and Technology, a research institute focused on translational medical research, and features a close-knit community of investigators and students, with close connections to both the TAMU main campus, neighboring institutions, and universities in the Texas Medical Center.

When applying for the PhD program in Medical Sciences, be sure to specify the Houston campus. 


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