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Contact Us

For convenience, these contact numbers are also posted within the facility.

After Hours and on Weekends

Contact the Alkek Security Desk for assistance: 713-677-7464.

Emergency Veterinary Service

Contact the attending veterinarian at 734-277-0200

Information on the Status of the Vivarium and Animal Care Issues.

Information affecting the vivarium or animal care will be posted outside the entrance of the vivarium as needed. The PAR Manager will also distribute information by email to the principal investigators and their technicians. The information should be passed on to the members of the research team.

Program for Animal Resources (PAR) Staff

Isaiah Williams

Isaiah Williams

Manager, Laboratory Animal Care
Program for Animal Resources
Mary Cole

Mary Cole

Business Administrator I
IBT Finance Centralized
David Brammer

David Brammer, DVM

Attending Veterinarian
Jack Baldauf

Jack Baldauf, PhD

Vice President for Research